typedef struct 	_VRT_REVOKE_TICKET_INFO
	unsigned long	          struct_size;
	unsigned char	          *pucTransactionId;
	unsigned long	          locking_criteria;
	unsigned char	          *locking_info;
	unsigned long	          time_stamp;
	unsigned char	          *pucCustomDefined;
	unsigned long	          ulCustomDefinedLength;
       PVRT_REVOKE_TICKET_LINE   pvRevokeInfoArray;
	unsigned long             ulRevokeInfoArraySize;
	unsigned long	          *unused1;
	unsigned int              unused2;
Member Description

The size of the structure.


The transaction ID to uniquely identify a permission ticket to be generated.

locking_criteria The locking criteria of the target system.
locking_info The locking information of the target system.
time_stamp The time stamp as specified while generating the permission ticket.
pucCustomDefined A pointer to the vendor defined custom data as specified while generating the permission ticket.
ulCustomDefinedLength The length of the vendor defined custom data.
pvRevokeInfoArray A pointer to the array containing the revocation information.
ulRevokeInfoArraySize A size of the pvRevokeInfoArray array.
unused1 Reserved for future use.
unused2 Reserved for future use.