typedef struct _VRT_VERIFY_ERROR_LINE
	unsigned long ulErrorCode;
	unsigned char ucOperation;
	unsigned long ulStatus;
	unsigned char pucLicenseLine[VLS_MAX_CUSTOM_LICENSE_SIZE];
	unsigned long ulLicenseLineLength;
	unsigned long ulCapacityRevoked;
	unsigned long ulNumberOfLicensesRevoked;


Member Description

The error reported by the verification process.

Depending on the source of the error it is possible that only this member of the structure is present and the others are ignored. This happens when the error is related to either the validity of the revocation ticket (for example, invalid format or the ticket is corrupt) or non-action-related error (for example, transaction ID or locking code mismatch).


Specify R to revoke a license.


The status of operation reported by the licensing library. When any requested action fails, the VLSrevokeByPermissionTicket API or its Ext variant fill the error returned per operation into this variable.

The revocation ticket generation will take place even when one or more operations could not be performed.


If the revocation ticket contains any status other than success, then the field pucLicenseLine of structure PVRT_VERIFY_ERROR_LINE will contain a license string only if a API revocation ticket was passed. Else, the field pucLicenseLine will contain license hash, feature, and version information.


The length of the license line.


The capacity revoked. Unused.


The number of license tokens revoked.