Generating Upgrade Locking Code

Your customer generates the upgrade locking code and sends it to you, the developer. Use echouid.exe (the Upgrade Code Generator Tool) to generate an upgrade locking code. This file is located under \<installdir>\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS Development Kit\<version>\English\Tools. It is also included in \Delivery\\Win32, which contains tools you may want to send to your customer.

Your customer will open an MS-DOS window to run echouid.exe and follow the instructions. The Upgrade Code Generator Tool searches for lservrc in the current directory, so you will want to install it on your customer’s computer in the same directory as your application’s license file.

NOTE   Though echouid first searches for lservrc, the name of some other license file can also be specified, either using the switch -s or specifying it when asked for. (This is asked if echouid is started without lservrc in the same directory or without -s switch).

On accessing the Sentinel RMS Development Kit Upgrade Code Generator Tool , your customer will use the Echouid Search Menu to select the base license he or she wants to upgrade. The Echouid Search Menu allows you to Browse through licenses, Search by license details and Search by order in license file <line number>.

After selecting the desired base license, your customer will generate the upgrade code from the License Details Sub-Menu and then send the upgrade code to you to obtain the upgrade license. For details on using echouid, see the Sentinel RMS System Administrator Guide.


Echouid.exe can be executed by double-clicking on its file name. However, we suggest you evoke it from the command line, because if executed by double-clicking it will not allow you to specify command line options.

After you have received the upgrade locking code you need to generate the upgrade license code for your customers.