Instructions for End Users
As a developer, you need to guide your customers through the upgrade licensing process and tell them how to obtain their upgrade locking code. You also need to generate the license for the upgrade locking code.
We recommend to make end users aware of the steps to upgrade their licenses:
1.The end user must call the developer (or Technical Support) and request the license upgrade ( by version and capacity), for a specific product.
2.Next, the end user generates the upgrade locking code for the specific license. The developer assists the end user with the echouid utility that generates the upgrade locking code.
3.The end user sends the upgrade locking code to the developer.
4.The developer generates the upgrade license based on the upgrade locking code and sends it to the end user.
5.Upgrade licenses cannot be added or deleted dynamically and have to be applied during the License Manager startup only. So, the upgrade license file must be either copied to the directory where the License Manager program exists, or the ULSERVRC environment variable should be used to set the name and location of the upgrade file. As a result, the License Manager will be able to search and load the upgrade licenses contained in the file.
6.In the case of commuter license upgrades, the end user makes sure that all the commuter licenses are checked in to the License Manager at the time of applying the upgrades.
Generating Upgrade Locking Code
The end user generates the upgrade locking code using the echouid utility and sends it to you, the developer.
Using the Echouid search menu, select the base license that needs to be upgraded. The Echouid search menu allows you to:
>Browse through
>Search by using license details
>Search by order in license file <line number>
After selecting the desired base license, generate the upgrade locking code from the License Details Sub-Menu and send it to your software vendor, who will provide you the upgrade license code.
After you have received the upgrade locking code, you need to generate the upgrade license code for your customers.