Restricting Commuter Licenses

If a system administrator wants to restrict the percentage of network license tokens available with a License Manager for commuting purpose, the -com option needs to be used. It specifies the percentage of license tokens on that License Manager that may be used by commuters.

There are three ways to set the -com option:

Using the Windows System Services Console

>Locate Sentinel RMS Development Kit License Manager.

>Set the parameter(s) in Start Parameters like “-com percentage“.

>Restart the License Manager.

Using the System Registry

>Access the Registry editor.

>In the Windows Registry Editor, create/update the value of "CommandLineOpts”:

On Windows 32-bit platforms, the "CommandLineOpts" value is available under the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rainbow Technologies\SentinelLM\CurrentVersion.

On Windows 64-bit platforms, the "CommandLineOpts" value is available under the following registry key: :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Rainbow Technologies\SentinelLM\CurrentVersion.

>Enter the value “- com 20” where 20 is the percentage of tokens allowed for commuting. The system administrator can change the percentage as needed.

>Restart the License Manager.

Using the LSERVOPTS Environment Variable

>Access the Environment Variables window.

>Click New.

>Set variable name as “LSERVOPTS” and its value in “-com percentage”.

>Restart the License Manager.