
This section contains the information necessary to design licenses for your applications. It introduces the API licensing method for licensing your applications. You may still want to refer to the API Reference Guide for additional API call information.

Each type of license is explained in full detail. You can find information on planning and coding for licensing on virtual environment platforms. We include guidance on how to code for and set up redundant License Managers.

If you are supporting Windows 64-bit applications, you will find our guidance on which libraries to use for 64-bit Windows platforms here, Platforms, Libraries, and Compilers

The design data is divided into the following sections.

>Sentinel RMS Components talks about some of the major components of RMS, such as license file, license manager, license library, and more.

>Introduction to Sentinel RMS APIs describes how to use the API call method of licensing an application. This section is a design guide to using the API calls, as compared to the full Sentinel RMS API Reference document that contains all the detailed information about each API call.

>License Properties and Generation covers the various properties of licenses you may specify and shows examples of license generation using the utilities. This section also describes the license meter key and the utility used to decode the license code itself.

>Types of Licenses contains design concepts for each type of license: trial, commuter, repository, grace, capacity, volume transaction, and upgrade licenses.

>Redundant License Managers gives design guidelines for using more than one License Manager on a network. It explains how the developer creates the redundant license and how the customer site administrator sets up the redundant License Managers.

>Isolated License Managers has guidelines for deploying an isolated License Manager. The isolated License Manager can coexist with a generic License Manager to provide a hassle-free software vendor-specific environment.

>Licensing for Virtual Environments explains the measures for formulating the policy for using licensed software in the virtual environment.

>Redistributables for Licensed Applications has guidelines for which redistributables need to be included with the application and explains Microsoft Windows installers.

>Redistributables for Licensed Applications provides information about the Custom Persistence Device (CPD) interface. This interface allows vendors to implement a persistence storage approach of their choice.