Sentinel Keys
The Sentinel Keys page enables you to identify which Sentinel keys are currently present on the network, including locally connected Sentinel keys.
NOTE SL UserMode keys are only displayed for the local (Windows) machine. SL UserMode keys are not displayed when the configuration parameter Do Not Load hasplmv.exe is selected.
You can also use the Sentinel Keys page to generate a fingerprint of the local machine for generating a Sentinel SL key. An entry for this purpose is listed at the beginning of the table for each vendor library found on the machine (if no SL keys exist on the machine for that vendor).
To display this page:
From the navigation pane, go to the Sentinel Keys page.
To perform actions for a given Sentinel key:
Click the desired action in the Actions column for the relevant Sentinel key.
Sentinel Key Parameters
The following information is provided for each Sentinel key:
Column | Description | ||||||||||
# |
The consecutive row number. |
Location |
Specifies whether the Sentinel key is on the local machine or a remote machine. When the Sentinel key is on a remote machine, the name of the machine is displayed. You can click the machine name to open the Admin Control Center on that machine in a new window. |
Vendor |
The Vendor ID or name of the software vendor associated with the Sentinel key. For a Master key or Developer key, the Batch Code and Vendor ID associated with the key. |
Key ID |
The unique Sentinel key ID and vendor-specified name. The Key ID and Key Type fields are empty when no SL key exists on the machine. You can click the Fingerprint button at the end of this row to generate a fingerprint for this machine and for the Vendor ID listed. When you hover the cursor over the Key ID field for each key, a tool-tip is displayed that contains additional information for that key. Among the information displayed is the status of the key for cloud licensing. Possible values are:
Note: Sentinel HL Basic keys (and HASP HL Basic keys) do not have a unique ID. These keys are assigned a temporary internal identifier for the time that they are connected and that the Sentinel License Manager is running. In the Key ID column, the temporary identifier for an HL Basic key is preceded by a hash (#) symbol. |
Key Type |
The type of Sentinel protection key. If the key is an HL key (hardware-based), the specific model of key is displayed, together with a picture of the key. The description Rehostable appears, together
with the For each vendor library found on the machine: If no SL key exists on the machine for that vendor, a placeholder row with the legend Reserved for New SL Key appears. You can click the Fingerprint button at the end of the row to generate a fingerprint XML file. Send this file to the software vendor when you request an SL license for the machine. Note: Given the following situation: >When the current state of an SL key is decoded (using SL License Generation API), the status of the container is shown as Secure Storage Id Mismatch. >The key contains a Product that is rehostable or detachable OR the Product license type is Executions or Expiration Date. If the SSID (secure storage ID) of the container changes (for example, the container becomes corrupted or is deleted), the Product will be marked as Cloned and become unusable. In any other situation, the status Secure Storage Id Mismatch has no significance and can be ignored. |
Configuration | For Sentinel HL keys only: Whether the key is Driverless configuration or HASP configuration. | ||||||||||
Version | Version number of the Sentinel SL key, or the version number of the firmware on the Sentinel HL key (or HASP HL key). | ||||||||||
Sessions | The number of open sessions for the Sentinel key. | ||||||||||
Actions |
Enables you to access additional information or perform actions. The buttons that are displayed depend on whether a Sentinel key is locally or remotely connected. >Sessions opens the Sessions page, which displays session information related to the specific Sentinel key only. (Not available for SL UserMode keys.) >Features opens the Features page, which displays information related to the Features of the specific Sentinel key only. >Products opens the Products page, which displays information related to the Products of the specific Sentinel key only. >Blink on/off causes the LED in the connected Sentinel HL key (or HASP HL key) to blink so that you can easily identify the relevant key. >Browse enables you to display all the Features of the specific remote Sentinel key. The Sentinel License Manager on the machine to which the remote Sentinel key is connected is displayed in a new browser window. >Net Features enables you to display the Features of the specific remote Sentinel key that are accessible from this machine. >Certificates opens the Certificates page, which displays a list of the certificate licenses that are contained in the specific Sentinel key. (Not available for SL UserMode keys.) >C2V opens the Create C2V file for Key page. This page enables you to generate a file that contains information about the key. Your software vendor may require this file in order to update your license. The C2V action is not available for Sentinel HL (HASP configuration) keys or for Sentinel HASP keys. >Fingerprint generates a fingerprint file for the local machine. This option is only available if no SL key already exists on the machine for the indicated Vendor ID. Save the generated fingerprint file and return it to your software vendor. |