You can request information on the connected Sentinel protection key with the GetSessionInfofunction by specifying one of the following:

> HASP_KEYINFO predefined alias in the function call.

><haspformat root="keyinfo"> in the format parameter of the function call. (For more information, see Using XML Tags to Define Format.)

The table below describes the XML elements used by the API to format the returned information.

Parent Tag

Child Tag


None - root


Root element for all retrieved information using the GetSessionInfo function



Element that contains information that is specific to the accessed key



Element that contains information on the capabilities of the key



Indicates that the key is compatible with HASP4.



Indicates that the key is compatible with HASP HL.



Indicates that the key is a Sentinel HL key (not a HASP HL key).



Indicates that the key does not require Sentinel drivers.



Indicates that the key is a Sentinel SL key.



Indicates that the key is a Sentinel SL AdminMode key.



Indicates that the key is a Sentinel SL UserMode key.



Indicates the key has AES encryption capabilities



Indicates the key has a real-time clock



Indicates firmware update capability



Indicates that the key supports V-Clock functionality.

>For a Sentinel SL key - always present.

>For a Sentinel HL (HASP configuration) key - always absent.

>For a Sentinel HL(Driverless configuration) key - always present, regardless of whether V-Clock has been enabled.



Indicates the Key ID number



Returns a string that indicates the Sentinel protection key type. Possible values are:

>For a standalone key (not a network key): 0

>For a Net/NetTime 10 key: 10

>For a Net/NetTime 50 key: 50

>For a Net/NetTime 250+ key: unlimited



Returns a string that indicates the name of the Sentinel protection key type.



Element that contains information on memory block within key



Type of memory block. The type can be read-only or read/write. For dynamic memory, the type can also be read/write-once. (When the Licensing API lib is from Sentinel LDK v.6.4 or earlier, the type for read/write-once memory is shown as unknown.)

The type for read/write-once memory becomes read-only memory after it is written to successfully on the end user's computer.

NOTE   Dynamic memory is compatible with the License Manager from Sentinel LDK v.7.1 or later. When the Licensing API lib is from Sentinel LDK v.7.0 or earlier, the type for the written memory block continues to be shown as read/write-once (or unknown) until the Sentinel HL key is disconnected and reconnected. Thales recommends that you use the Licensing API lib from Sentinel LDK 7.1 or later to work with dynamic memory.




File ID for the memory block. Possible values are:

>For the default read-only memory file: 65525

>For the default read/write memory file: 65524

>For a dynamic memory file: a value in the range of 1 through 65471



Size of memory block



Elements that are specific to Sentinel protection keys



Element indicating where the key is connected

<port> (for a local HL key)


For all hardware keys, the type is USB.

NOTE   For local SL keys, the <port> section is not provided.


Ignore the address value for local HL keys.

<port> (for a remote protection key)


For remote protection keys, the protocol is IP.


IP address of the remote License Manager.

Related Topics

About XML Tags