Installing Sentinel LDK-EMS on Your Machine

When installed on your machine, Sentinel LDK-EMS is installed under Windows as a service (referred to as the Sentinel LDK-EMS Service). An installation of Sentinel LDK-EMS provides the database server and all the required web services for your organization. Any authorized user in the organization can access the Sentinel LDK-EMS web interface or can use an application that employs Sentinel LDK-EMS Web Services.

To upgrade from an earlier version of Sentinel LDK-EMS, see Upgrading From Earlier Versions.

NOTE   Sentinel LDK-EMS can be installed on multiple computers, either to divide the workload among different machine or to ensure high availability, or both. Similarly, Sentinel LDK-EMS can be installed separately from the Sentinel LDK-EMS database.

For more information, see Sentinel LDK-EMS Network Configuration Options.

If you experience any problems during or after Sentinel LDK-EMS installation, see Troubleshooting a Sentinel LDK-EMS Installation.

This section lists the prerequisites for installation and provides additional information to that provided in the Installation wizard.

In this section:

>Installing and Configuring SQL Server Manually (Optional)

>Infrastructure and Prerequisites

>Securing Your Sentinel LDK-EMS Installation

>Types of Installation Setup

>Installing Sentinel LDK-EMS

>Configuring Sentinel LDK-EMS to Work With JRE

>Accessing Sentinel LDK-EMS

>Configuring Sentinel LDK-EMS