Customizing Admin Control Center Look and Feel

You can change the language, displayed information, appearance, and behavior of Admin Control Center so that, for example, it will integrate into other applications or match your organization’s corporate styles.

The Admin Control Center user interface consists of HTML, GIF, and other files, which are located inside the executable (EXE) file hasplms.exe. When you implement additional template sets, you must add them to a fixed directory structure under the Sentinel LDK base directory.

NOTE   As an alternative to customizing Admin Control Center, you can develop your own interface to Admin Control Center functionality by using Sentinel Admin API. For more information, see License Manager Tools.

To create a directory for a custom template:

1.Locate the templates directory inside the Sentinel LDK base directory. The location of the Sentinel LDK base directory is as follows:

For Windows x64: %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Aladdin Shared\HASP\

For Linux or Mac: /etc/hasplm/

NOTE   If you are using Windows in a language other than English, locate the directory in which the common files are stored. (In English Windows, the Common Files folder).

2.Add <your_template_directory_name> to the directory. For example, using an English version of Windows 10, the full path is:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\templates\myTemplates

NOTE   You can create multiple templates inside your templates directory.

Each time Sentinel License Manager is launched, the application reads the files in all the directories (except .bak files). To expedite the launch time, it is recommended that you keep the directories free of unnecessary files.

3.Restart the Sentinel License Manager.
Call to reload the new template.

To verify your customized template, from a browser on your local machine, open:<yourTemplateDirectory>.