Module-based (Suites)

Sentinel LDK Functionality Manages licensing of individual executables
Software Distribution Method

>Physical package

>Electronic distribution

Applicable Key Types

>All Sentinel HL keys except Sentinel HL Basic

>Sentinel SL (including CL)

Protection Method

>Envelope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


Each module (executable file) is licensed separately. Assorted software can be bundled into a suite, including software from other software vendors. The license for the entire suite is supplied on a single Sentinel protection key.


1.Select the executable files that you want to license separately, and determine by which Feature ID they will be identified.

2.Select your protection method:

Envelope-based automatic implementation
Protect the executable file using Sentinel LDK Envelope, specifying its Feature ID.

API-based automatic implementation
In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS:

a.Create one or more Products.

b.Include the required Feature IDs in each Product.

c.Define the appropriate license terms for each Feature—for example, the number of executions, expiration date or concurrency.

4.Distribute your software suite with the appropriate Sentinel protection key programmed with the license.