Generate License

This web service returns the Activation (XML) for the provided Product key. The <activationString> section contains the V2C in XML-encoded format.

Method Type URI
POST v90/ws/productKey/{productKeyId}/

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type
productKeyId The Product key. String

Sample Request

In the input XML, insert the C2V in <activationInput> section as defined in the following example. Enclose the C2V in a CDATA tag. The XML must comply with Activation.xsd.

         <attributeValue><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 </hasp_info>]]> </attributeValue>
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Sample Response


The response contains the generated V2C and the input C2V. Both V2C and C2V in the response are in the form of encoded XML. The text within <activationString> tags in the following sample represents the V2C.

HTTP Status Code: 200

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>      
            <activationString> <?xml version="1.0"
                  <haspscope><vendor id="37515" > <hasp
                  id="712734935" /></vendor> </haspscope>
                  <v2c> /fZRh+EzAKMLgAEBgQZQcmludAChA…4ABAA==</v2c></hasp_info>
                  <attributeValue><?xml version="1.0"
                        encoding="UTF-8"?><hasp_info> <haspscope>
                        <hasp id="712734935"> <vendor
                        id="37515"/> </hasp> </haspscope>
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HTTP Status Code: 404

Response Body: The Product key does not exist.