Job Queue

>What Is a Job Queue?

>Job Queue Status

>Actions for a Job Queue

What Is a Job Queue?

The job queue displays the list of batch entitlement jobs and import data tasks. These tasks can be tracked by their Status attribute.

Job Queue Status

The Status attribute available on the Job Queue page specifies the following status for a batch job:

>Completed: The batch job is finished and the entitlements were generated.

>Notification Sent: The batch job is finished and the entitlement details were sent to the intended recipient. The recipient details are provided at the time of creating a batch entitlement.

>In Progress: The batch job is in progress.

>Not Started: The batch job is queued but not started.

The Status attribute available on the Job Queue page specifies the following status for importing data:

>Completed: The import task has been completed and the CSV file is uploaded.

>Completed with Errors: The import task was completed but with errors. This means that the CSV file conformed with the specified format but contained data that could not be updated.

>In Progress: The import is in progress.

>Not Started: The import is queued but not started.

Actions for a Job Queue

The following table lists the actions available for job queue:

Action Available For Description
Export to Microsoft Excel

Exports details of the entitlement to a Microsoft Excel file including:

>Batch ID

>Entitlement start date and end date

>Name of the channel partner

>List of products and product suites*

>List of all EIDs and product keys

  View Entitlement

Opens the Entitlements page, displaying details for the entitlements created in the batch job. You can perform further actions on the entitlements as required.

Download Log
Import Displays the log details of the importing data task.
Download Imported File
Import Downloads the CSV file that was uploaded for data import.