
>What are Reports?

>Predefined Reports

>Generating Reports

About Custom Reports
See Custom Reports (Deprecated)

What are Reports?

Sentinel EMS provides you with the ability to generate reports with valuable business information. With reports you can obtain data for analyzing how software or services are used and also the purchasing preferences of customers. This information can also be leveraged to maximize revenues from license renewals, to up-sell existing customers, and turn trial users into buyers.

Sentinel EMS reports provide access to selected current information from the Sentinel EMS database. Different predefined reports are available to meet various requirements. The reports provide information in tabular form and, where applicable, in a graphical chart.

Predefined Reports

Sentinel EMS reports provide access to selected current information from the Sentinel EMS database. Different predefined reports are available to meet various requirements. The reports provide information in tabular form.

You can print the output file or save it for later use. The output format can be HTML, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Microsoft Excel (XLS) files, Rich Text Format (RTF), JasperXML or PlainXML.

The following predefined reports are available in Sentinel EMS:

>License Reports


>Customer Reports


>Entitlement Reports


>Audit Log Reports


> ESD Reports


> Usage Reports


> Sentinel RMS Reports


>Data Export Reports


License Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Most Popular Product Sold Displays the products and product suites* that are used by the highest number of customers.

>Start Date: Start date from when the product popularity will be estimated.

>End Date: End date up to when the product popularity will be estimated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Output Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Most Popular License Model Sold - Activation (Quantity) Displays the license models that are used by the highest number of customers. This report is generated based on the most license models used in activated quantity of line items.

>Start Date: Start date from when the license model popularity in activated products will be estimated.

>End Date: End date up to when the license model popularity in activated products will be estimated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Output Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Customer Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
User Registration Displays the registration details of all registered customers.

>Registered From: Registration start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Registered To: Registration end date of the period up to which the report will be generated.

>Output Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Customer Activation (Product Wise) Displays product-wise number of activations and customers who have activated those.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Output Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Customer Activation - Line Item (End Date) Displays the customer-wise product activation report including the number of activations and the products or product suites* activated by each customer. This report is generated for the line items whose end date lies between the time period specified.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Output Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Entitlement Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Customer Entitlement Lists all entitlements generated and summarizes them by customer and date.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Customer Name: Customer name attribute that specifies entitlement ownership to generate the report.

>Contact Email: Contact email attribute that specifies entitlement ownership to generate the report.

>Customer Ref ID: Customer reference ID to generate the report.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Audit Log Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Audit Log Lists the operations performed by users and customers in EMS.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

ESD Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Usage Overview Retrieves details from the ESD cloud storage service, such as total size of the uploaded data, total size of the downloaded data, number of download requests served by the ESD cloud storage service, number of successful downloads, and the percentage of failed downloads.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Product ESD Report

Provides details, such  as download count and download data size, of the files associated with the given product.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Product Name (Mandatory): Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version (Mandatory): Version that identifies the product to generate this report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Entitlement ESD Report Provides details, such  as download count and download data size, of the files associated with the given EID.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>EID: Unique entitlement ID attribute to generate report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Usage Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters Response Parameters
Granular Usage Transactions

Displays usage data generated corresponding the individual licensing API calls - login, refresh, or logout.


For example, if there are 10 REST API calls (login, refresh, or logout) for a particular license session, then 10 records will be displayed for that particular session in this report.

The property, Record Granular Usage Transactions is available under Sentinel RMS 9.7 Cloud Add On Enforcement in the Administration Console. This property has to be enabled before you can generate the Granular Usage Transactions report. Usage information is reflected in the report 24 hours after this property is set to Yes.



>The maximum number of records that can be displayed in this report is 10000. It is recommended to narrow down the number of records by adding filter parameters.

>The date range for the report generation should not be greater than 1440 days.

>Usage Collection Start Date: Start date of usage data collection from when report is required. Usage collection date is the date on which the usage is collected to the cloud.

>Usage Collection End Date: End date of usage data collection from when report is required.

>Usage Generation Start Date: Start date of usage data generation from when report is required. Usage generation date is the date on which usage is created on client machines.

>Usage Generation End Date: End date of usage data generation from when report is required.


Assume, that a lease license is fetched to the client machine on 1-January-2020, lease license consumption happens between 1-January-2020 to 5-January-2020 and usage is pushed to the cloud on 10-January-2020.

Then the following is true:

The Usage Collection Start Date field should have the value 10-January-2020 to view the granular report.

The Usage Generation Start Date field should have the value 1-January-2020 to view the granular report.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Product Key: Product key for which this report is generated.

>Product Name: Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version: Version that identifies the product to generate this report.

>Feature Name: Feature name for which this report is generated.

>Feature Version: Version that identifies the feature to generate this report.

>User: User for whom this report is generated.

>EID: Entitlement ID.

>Transaction Type: Login, Logout, Refresh, or All.

>Vendor Usage Data: Software vendor-related information.

>HostName: Machine where usage information is being tracked.

>Number of Records: Number of records to be displayed on a page.

>Sort By Asc: Field on which information should be sorted in ascending order to display the report.

>Sort By Desc: Field on which information should be sorted in descending order to display the report.

>Format: Select from PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, Jasper XML, or CSV.

>Usage Generation Date (In UTC): Date on which usage is created on client machines.

>Usage Collection Date (In UTC): Date on which the usage is collected to the cloud.

>Transaction Type: Type of transaction such as Login, Logout, or Refresh.

>EID: Entitlement ID.

>Product Key: Product key that identifies a product.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer.

>Product: Product name.

>Feature: Feature name.

>User: User name.

>Consumed User Limit: Number of users that have consumed the licensed software.

>Consumed Usage Count: Usage count that was consumed for the session.

>Session ID: Session identifier.

>Vendor Usage Data: Software vendor-related information.

>System Generated: Flag that identifies system generated information. The value is "true" corresponding logout call records to identify the sessions that are abandoned by the system.

User Usage Displays the total usage count per feature for each user of a selected customer.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Ref ID: Customer reference ID that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Start Date: Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date: End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Format: Select from PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, Jasper XML, or CSV.

>Product: Name of the product.

>Feature ID: Feature identifier.

>Feature Name: Name of the feature.

>Usage Count: Usage count per feature.


Vendor Info Usage Shows usage data grouped by the vendor information. This report is generated based on the information specified at run-time during the login call.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Ref ID: Customer reference ID that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Start Date: Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date: End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Format: Select from PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, Jasper XML, or CSV.

>Feature ID: Feature identifier.

>Feature Name: Name of the feature.

>Usage Count: Usage count per feature.

>Usage Type: Data aggregation type for tracking usage. The value is Count Based for supported Sentinel RMS license models. In Count Based usage type each login-logout pair is counted as a single execution.

Product Usage Displays the total usage time in seconds or the total usage count per feature for each user of a selected customer grouped by product.

>Customer Name: This attribute is used to generate report for a specific customer.

>Customer Ref ID: Customer reference ID that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Start Date: Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date: End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Format: Select from PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, Jasper XML, or CSV.

>Feature ID: Feature identifier.

>Feature Name: Name of the feature.

>Usage Count: Usage count per feature.

Feature Usage Displays the total usage time (in seconds) or the total usage count per feature across all users of your product.

>Start Date: Date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date: Date up to when the usage data is required.

>Format: Select from PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, Jasper XML, or CSV.

>Feature ID: Feature identifier.

>Feature Name: Name of the feature.

>Usage Count: Usage count per feature.

Usage Tampering Reports (Deprecated)

The details of these reports are retained in the documentation as support information to maintain backward compatibility. (Deprecated in Sentinel EMS 5.2)

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Customer Tamper Data

Shows the lease license usage tampering details for the customer specified using customer reference ID.

If this report is generated for a customer who does not have any deployed cloud-served lease entitlements, then the following error is generated - "Customer does not exist. Provide a valid Customer ID."

>Start Date: Start date from when the customer tampered data is to be identified.

>End Date: End date up to when the customer tampered data is required.

>Customer Ref ID: Customer reference ID for which the tampered data is to be identified.

>Usage Time Out: Time duration for which the data is missing or tampered.

>Report Type: Data Tampered or Data Missing or both.

>Format:The available format is PlainXML.

Customer Tamper List Software licensing may break down if the usage data is tampered to prevent license expiration. This report shows the lease license usage tampering details for all customers.

>Start Date: Start date from when usage tampered data for all customers is to be identified.

>End Date: End date up to when all customer tampered data is required.

>Usage Time Out: Time duration for which the data is missing or tampered.

>Report Type: Data Tampered or Data Missing or both.

>Format:The available format is PlainXML.

Sentinel RMS Reports

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Most Popular License Model Sold - License (Seat Count) Displays the license models that are used for the highest number of customers based on the license seat count (total quantity of product).

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Include Unlimited Quantity: Specify whether licenses with unlimited seat count must be included or not.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Customer Activation Report - License(End Date) Displays the customer-wise product activation report including the number of activations and the products or product suites activated by each customer. This report is generated for the licenses whose end date lies between the time period specified.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

License Expiration Displays a list of licenses for which the end date falls within the number of days specified.

>Days Before Expiration: The number of days before license expiration, for which the report will be generated.

>Group By: Filter to group data based on Week, Month, Quarter, or Year.

>License Type: Standalone or Network or both.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

License Activation Lists all activations performed on entitlements and summarizes the activities by date and type.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Group By: Filter to group data based on Week, Month, Quarter, or Year.

>License Type: Standalone or Network or both.

>Partner Name: Name of the channel partner for whom you want to generate this report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

Generating Reports

The reports page can be accessed using the Reports option in the navigation pane. Using this page you can generate the predefined reports. This page enables you to specify the attributes for a report and generate it in the format specified.

To generate a report:

1.In the navigation pane, click Reports to open the Reports page.

2.Select the Report category and sub-category that you want to generate.

3.Specify the attributes for the selected report. For more information on the attributes, see Predefined Reports.

4.Click Generate to generate the report.