RUS Utility Overview

The RUS utility is an advanced utility that enables secure, remote updating of the license and memory data of Sentinel protection keys after they have been deployed. As part of the basic concept underlying Sentinel LDK, the RUS utility facilitates ongoing licensing well after protection has been implemented. For additional information on Sentinel LDK concepts, see Protect Once—Deliver Many—Evolve Often.

The RUS utility is used for the following:

>The RUS utility provides a simple and secure method of updating your licenses remotely, after you have delivered your protected software together with the Sentinel protection keys. You simply need to update the license and deliver update files to your customers.

>The RUS utility enables you to receive information on the current status of Sentinel LDK licenses at your customers’ sites, and to securely extend or reduce the functionality of these licenses, without recalling the Sentinel protection keys.

>The RUS utility can be used by an end user to generate the fingerprint of a computer at your customer's site. You can use this fingerprint to generate a V2C (or V2CP) file for the customer. The customer can then use the RUS utility to apply the V2C (or V2CP) file and generate an SL key for the protected application.

>The RUS utility can be used to transfer (rehost) an SL key from one of your customer's computers to another, without any intervention on your part. (An SL key can only be rehosted if this function was enabled by the vendor when the SL key was generated.)

>All Sentinel protection keys except the Sentinel HL Basic key can be updated using RUS utility. However, for a disabled HL Basic key, an end user can use RUS utility to:

generate a C2V file containing information about the disabled key.

apply a V2C (or V2CP) file to re-enable the disabled key.

NOTE   You must generate a customized version of the RUS utility for distribution to your customers. Customizing the RUS utility associates it with your namespace. For additional information, see Customizing and Branding the RUS utility.

Thales recommends that you bundle the customized RUS utility executable (rus.exe) with your protected application for distribution to end users.