Setting Up the HTTP Headers

This page describes the headers used in the REST API requests.

Header Description SaaS Applications On-premises Applications

Determines the data type of the body. Only the JSON type response is supported. For example:

Content-Type: application/json

Indicates the size of the entity-body, in bytes. For example:

Content-Length: 20

Used for the format type of a REST API to prepare the response. Only the JSON type response is supported. For example:

Accept: application/json	

A custom header that contains SHA256 of the request/response body. For example:

x-sntl-content-sha256: 7ba7bf9d4819f6f9892edc7aab6432566265cb69ef3acd2fc1f35fbf8758a2c6

A custom header that contains EPOCH time in seconds. If the time difference between the RMS Cloud LM and the requesting user/device is more than 15 minutes, the request is discarded and the client authentication fails. For example:

x-sntl-epoch: 1540054530

A custom header, the value of which is set to a randomly-generated string (UUID). A mismatch in the message IDs of the request sent by the client and the response received from the RMS Cloud LM can also be used to flag an error. For example:

x-sntl-message-id: C1EC68F7-9661-4580-94A8-8F0E0CC67D84

The RMS Cloud LM REST APIs use the standard HTTP Authorization header to pass the JWT access token. This is the only header that needs to be passed for every request.

The access token is generated under the auth token as described here.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

A custom header that contains the signature computed using the procedure described here.

x-sntl-signature: 7212140:ctYnwSqB11uO3G93ZzMCkRz1WAmPzT3BtVRjtnHK6yA=
x-sntl-customer-id A custom header that contains the customer ID that identifies a customer. It can be obtained from Sentinel EMS.