lsmon - Monitors License Manager Transactions

lsmon retrieves information about all features currently licensed by the Sentinel RMS License Manager, licenses, and clients.

On UNIX computers, you can use "Poll-interval-in-seconds" to specify that lsmon should keep monitoring and reporting usage activity instead of displaying information once and stopping. If specified, lsmon will wait for that many seconds between re-polls of the License Manager. lsmon monitors all licensed applications supported by a License Manager. If the License Manager supports licensed applications from multiple vendors, then all licenses for all vendors will be displayed.

On Windows, use lsmon [Server-host]

On UNIX, use lsmon [Poll-interval_in_seconds] [Server-host]

lsmon should be run by an administrator or application user on a standalone, client, or License Manager computer.

NOTE   From Sentinel RMS v9.5 onwards, license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294 (infinite value) is supported. This is applicable for license version 20 and above. Further, this high value is applicable only when hard limit is used as a quantity. For versions prior to 9.5, the infinite value is 2,097,150.

One of the following options may be supplied:

Option Description


Enable periodic update at indicated rate.

NOTE   This option is supported on UNIX only.


The name of the computer on which the License Manager is running.

If Server-host is omitted, lsmon will attempt to talk to the Sentinel RMS License Manager on the computer indicated in the LSHOST environment variable or in the LSHOST (or lshost) file. If the variable or the file does not exist, then it will attempt to contact a License Manager using the broadcast mechanism. If lsmon fails to find a Sentinel RMS License Manager, it will display an error message and exit.

We suggest you to read through WlmAdmin - Administer License Management Activities for better understanding.