Provisioning Methods

> Prerequisites for Adding a Method

>Adding a Method

>Actions for Provisioning Methods

Prerequisites for Adding a Method

A role that includes Catalog (Namespace) permissions for the relevant namespace. At minimum, the vendor user needs the Add permission. For details, see Roles.

Adding a Method

A method defines how the provisioning request is sent to the provisioning system after a product is activated. You can add a new method that can be associated with a provisioning-enabled product.

To add a new method:

1.From the navigation pane, select Provisioning > Methods.

2.Click Add Method.The Add Method page opens.

3.Define the Method Attributes.

NOTE   Currently, only the Callout type is supported.

4.Click Save.

Method Attributes

Attribute Description Required/Optional Valid Values
Name Friendly name that identifies the method. Required

>1 to 50 characters

>Special characters allowed:

, ! @ # $ ^ * ( ) + = ` [ ] { } ; ' : ? , . / * - + / | \ @ ? * : ; ^ ` ' ; ^ { } [ ]

Description Additional information about the method. Optional

0 to 500 characters


Type of provisioning request:

>Callout: Calls an API or a web service to process the provisioning request.

>Email: Sends an email asking the recipient to process the provisioning request.

NOTE   Currently, only the Callout type is supported.

Required Callout
Endpoint URL URL of the recipient provisioning service. Required

>0 to 2000 characters

>Supported protocols:




Authentication Profile

Select the authentication profile of the recipient from the list.

For more details, see Authentication Profiles


1 to 50 characters

Actions for Provisioning Methods

The following table lists the actions available for methods.

Action Description
Edit button Edit

Enables you to edit the attributes of an existing method. For more details, see Editing an Entity.

When you update a method, all requests processed after the update use the new method attributes.

Copy button Copy

Duplicates an existing method, enabling you to edit the copy and create a new method.

Delete button Delete

Deletes the selected method.

Note: You cannot delete a method that is associated with a product.