Flexible License Model

The Sentinel Cloud Licensing (SCL) Add-on for Sentinel RMS is used in conjunction with the Flexible license model in Sentinel EMS to support the On-premises, Lease, and Connected (Cloud LM) deployment modes.

NOTE   Flexible License Model is available for Sentinel RMS 9.0 and later where License Version is 16 or higher.

Attribute Group Attribute name Description Default Value Optional? Software Vendor Permission End User Permission
Define Attributes Deployment Mode

Specifies Deployment Mode as:

>Connected (Cloud LM): Generate connected licenses enforced in cloud and that can be consumed from anywhere.

>Lease: Generate lease-based licenses enforced in cloud.

>On-premises: Generate licenses on-premises where they are consumed.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

Lease No Read/Write None
License Type

>Specifies license is of type Network or Standalone for the Lease and On-premises deployment modes.

>Specifies license is of type Cloud for the Connected (Cloud LM) deployment mode.

NOTE   It is suggested that you specify the license type of a license model when you copy or edit the license model. This will improve performance during entitlement creation by reducing calls to the license generator.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

>Network (for Lease and On-premises)

>Cloud (for Connected (Cloud LM))

No Read/Write None
License Version

Specifies the license version.

23 - RMS 10.2 No Read/Write None
License Duration Start From Activation Date License start date will start on the day of the activation. No No Read/Write Read
Start Date

The date (day, month, and year) before which the licensed software cannot be run.

A No start date checkbox can be used to exclude the start date. This option can be selected for licenses so that embedded devices that do not have system clock can be supported.

01/01/2025 12:00 AM No Read/Write Read
End Date

The date (day, month, and year) beyond which the licensed software cannot be run.

A Never expires checkbox can be used to indefinitely extend the end date.

01/01/2024 12:00 AM No Read/Write Read
Limits User Limit

Limit that sets the maximum number of users that can run the licensed software.

Maximum Value: 4294967294 if license version is 20 and 10000000 for license version 19.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

100 No Read/Write Read
Soft User Limit

A sub-limit lesser than the user limit that is set to generate alerts.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

Unlimited No Read/Write None
Key Lifetime (min)

Refers to a unit of time specified for the license to send updates to the License manager.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

5 No Read/Write None

Named User License

(This attribute is available if Deployment Mode is Connected (Cloud LM))

Specifies whether the licensed application will be accessible to a pre-defined set of users.

NOTE   The Named User License flag is available for License Version 23.

No No Read/Write None
Named User Limit

Limit that sets the number of users allowed to use to the licensed application (feature).

For more information about Named User Licensing, refer to the Sentinel RMS API Reference Guide.

1 No Read/Write None

Cloud Served

(This attribute group is available if Deployment Mode is Lease)

Collect Usage Specifies whether usage will be collected for the licenses. Yes No Read/Write None

Lease Duration (hours)


(previously known as Duration)

Duration of the lease in hours.

You can apply the default, full duration, or you can divide the lease into equal time periods, specified in hours.

For example, if a feature license is valid for 8760 hours (one year) based on its start date and end date, and you want to renew the lease quarterly, set this value to 2190 (three months).

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

Apply Full Duration


(changed in v5.5)

No Read/Write None

Apply Full Duration


(previously known as Unlimited )

The feature end date is applied to the license.

The default setting of full duration is useful in scenarios such as the ones described below.





Lease Renewal Frequency (hours)

The time period after which the next lease increment is issued.

By default, lease renewal is turned off in conjunction with Apply Full Duration. With full-term licenses, there is no need to renew leases.

If you want to specify a value, set it around 75% to 80% of the lease duration. Renewing the lease before it expires ensures uninterrupted license access.

Before setting any values, make sure to assess your use case in detail to see the overall impact of these values. A few example use cases are described here:

Do Not Renew Automatically (Exception: Entitlement Updates)


(changed in v5.5)

No Read/Write None

Do Not Renew Automatically (Exception: Entitlement Updates)

Prevents automatic lease renewal. Entitlement updates will be delivered as per the automatic detection settings.


See Also: Examples: Lease Renewals and Entitlement Updates

(Maximum: 438000 hours)

Usage Sync Frequency(hours)

Usage synchronization frequency in hours.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

1 hour

No Read/Write None
Fingerprint Registration Specify whether fingerprint registration is required or not. Yes No Read/Write None


(This attribute group is available if Deployment Mode is On-premises or Connected (Cloud LM))

Collect Usage

Specifies whether usage will be collected for the on-premises served licenses.

NOTE   The Collect Usage flag is available for License Version 21 and above.

Yes No Read/Write None
Network Term Allow License Commuting Specify whether or not commutation of license is allowed. No No Read/Write None
Grace Period

Specify whether or not grace period is allowed.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

Disallowed No Read/Write None
Grace Period (days)

Specifies the number of days of grace. This attribute is available only if "Grace Period" is "Allowed".

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

0 No Read/Write None
Grace Period (elapsed hours)

Hours elapsed from the grace period specified.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

0 No Read/Write None
Maximum Checkout (days)

Specifies the maximum number of days a commuter license can be checked-out for.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

30 No Read/Write None
Sharing Criteria Determines whether license sharing is allowed for the feature. No Sharing No Read/Write None
License Holding Criteria

Specifies whether license can be held or not.

-No Hold Time

-Application Specified

-License Specified

No Hold Time No Read/Write None
Key Holdtime (min)

A network license may be held for some time after it is released by a specific user. During that time only the original requester of the license can be granted the license again. Key Holdtime Minutes specifies the number of minutes for which a released license can be held before reallocation.

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

0 No Read/Write None
Output Type Determines the format of the license generated. Encrypted No Read/Write None
Enforce License Exclusive Enforce that an exclusive license code completely replaces the old license with a new license. Exclusive No Read/Write None
Enforce Clock Tampered Software licensing may break down if the customer sets back the system time to prevent license expiration. The attribute 'Enforce Clock Tampered' detects system clock tampering. Yes No Read/Write None
VM Detection Enforce a policy through the license to deny or allow application usage on a VM. Disabled No Read/Write None
Redundancy Specifies license redundancy for high availability during license manager downtime. When the main License Manager is unavailable, the clients are seamlessly transferred to other License Managers. No Yes Read/Write None
Redundancy Majority Rule

While creating a redundant licenses it is required that its redundant License Managers use majority rule. This field, when selected dictates that a majority (over half) of the redundant License Managers must be up and running for a request for that active license to be serviced. For example, if you have defined five redundant License Managers and majority rule is in effect, at least three of them must be up and running or a request for that license will fail. If majority rule is not in effect, your customer could set up the redundant License Managers and then separate them on different networks. Each redundant License Manager, not being able to see any of the others, would then allow your customer to double, triple, quadruple, etc., the total license count without purchasing that many license tokens. So, although you can turn majority rule off, you incur a huge security risk in doing so. If majority rule is in effect for a particular license and the majority of License Managers for redundant licenses go down then requests for licenses for that feature or version are no longer serviced until the majority of License Managers are up and running again. However, requests for non-redundant licenses or redundant license codes not using majority rule will continue to be serviced. We recommend that you always enable majority rule while generating licenses.

This attribute is visible only if the Redundancy attribute is selected.


Yes Read/Write None
Locking Redundant Servers

Number of license servers available to support redundancy.

This attribute is visible only if the Redundancy attribute is selected under Policy.

3 Yes Read/Write None


The locking criteria for a client, for licensing Disk ID


Read/Write None
Vendor Private Information

Additional information that you can include as part of your license code for identification. The private vendor information remains encrypted.

- Yes Read/Write None

Vendor comments.

Maximum: 150 characters

NOTE   This field cannot be read or parsed by Sentinel RMS.

- Yes Read/Write None
Public Information

Additional information that you can include as part of your license code for identification. The public vendor information remains encrypted in encrypted licenses and readable in readable licenses.

- Yes Read/Write Read
Number of secrets

Specifies the total number of secrets for the challenge-response mechanism (A technique used for authenticating the License manager).

If the Allow Overwrite check box is selected, then the value can be changed when creating a new entitlement or updating a draft entitlement. If the Allow Overwrite check box is not selected, then the value cannot be changed when creating or updating an entitlement.

0 No Read/Write None
License Vendor Information

Additional information about the vendor that you can include as part of the license code for identification. License vendor information remains encrypted in all types of licenses (readable or encrypted). If the license string is decoded, the encrypted information becomes readable.

  No Read/Write None