
>What Is a Transaction?

>Transaction Search Attributes

>Filtering the List of Transactions and Viewing Transaction Details

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What Is a Transaction?

In Sentinel EMS, a transaction records the modifications made to an entity in the audit log every time an operation is performed on that entity. Operations may include create, update, deploy, complete, and so on. Sentinel EMS logs the transaction details for various entities including activations, entitlements, products, customers, users, channel partners, channel partner users, and vendor users.

Filtering the List of Transactions and Viewing Transaction Details

To filter transactions and view the transaction details for an entity:

1.From the navigation pane, click Transactions.

2.Using the Transaction Search Attributes, filter the records to identify the transaction for which you want to view details.

3.To view the details for a specific transaction, in the Actions column for the transaction, click View Details.

Transaction Search Attributes

Sentinel EMS provides the Transactions page that enables you to view the transaction data of several entities. You can view both the old and new values when viewing a single transaction. You can search transaction records using the following fields in the Transactions page:

Search Parameter Description
Comment Specify text to search the comments entered in the audit log of an entity. You can set the search pattern as needed.
Entity Type

A Sentinel EMS entity. You can select an entity from the list or leave blank to search for all entities.

In the list, "contact" refers to the user entity, "user" refers to the vendor user entity, and "partner" refers to the channel partner entity.

Entity Identifier Specify the entity identifier. For example, you can specify the EID of an entitlement, the AID of an activation, or the email of a user. After you enter a value, you can set the search pattern as needed.
Transaction Date From

Specify the start date of the range to display transaction details or leave blank to retrieve all transactions.

The date format is MM/DD/YYYY. The default time zone is UTC.

Transaction Date To

Specify the end date of the range to display transaction details or leave blank to retrieve all transactions.

The date format is MM/DD/YYYY. The default time zone is UTC.