ESDaaS Reports

With ESDaaS, you get access to various advanced reports that contain useful information, such as downloads available with a product or an entitlement and usage data of downloads.

NOTE   These reports are available only with ESDaaS and not with Basic ESD.

You can print the report output or save it for later use. The output format can be HTML, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Microsoft Excel (XLS) files, Rich Text Format (RTF), JasperXML or PlainXML.

The following predefined ESD reports are available in Sentinel EMS:

Report Name Description Input Parameters Response Parameters
Usage Overview Retrieves details from the ESD cloud storage service, such as total size of the uploaded data, total size of the downloaded data, number of download requests served by the ESD cloud storage service, number of successful downloads, and the percentage of failed downloads.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

>Data Uploaded (in GB): Total size of the uploaded data.

>Data Downloaded (in GB): Total size of the downloaded data.

>Total Download Count: Number of download requests served by ESD.

>Successful Download Count: Total number of successful downloads.

>Error Rate: Percentage of failed downloads.

Entitlement ESD Provides details, such  as download count and download data size, of the files associated with the given EID.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>EID (Mandatory): Unique entitlement ID attribute to generate report.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

>File Name: Name of the download file associated with the EID.

>Total Download Count: Number of download requests served by ESD.

>Successful Download Count: Total number of successful downloads.

>Total Downloaded (in GB): Total size of the downloaded data.

>Successful Download (in GB): Total size of the successful downloads.

Product ESD

Provides details, such  as download count and download data size, of the files associated with the given product.

>Start Date: Start date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>End Date: End date of the period for which the report will be generated.

>Product Name (Mandatory): Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version (Mandatory): Version that identifies the product to generate this report. For a versionless product, enter NA.

>Format: Select from HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, JasperXML, or PlainXML.

>File Name: Name of the download file associated with the product.

>Total Download Count: Number of download requests served by ESD.

>Successful Download Count: Total number of successful downloads.

>Total Downloaded (in GB): Total size of the downloaded data.

>Successful Download (in GB): Total size of the successful downloads.