syncLicenseJobInfo—Sync License Job Information Supported in Lease mode

- This query type is applicable to Standalone Lease mode only.
- The macro for obtaining Lease License Synchronization Information is SNTL_QUERY_SYNC_LICENSE_JOB_INFO_VERSION(v). Here, v represents the query version. Specify version under the double quotes, such as "1.0". This macro is introduced in v9.2.0.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<sentinelQuery query="syncLicenseJobInfo" version="1.0"/>


<!-- empty scope-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
		<statusDescription>License Add/Remove Operation Completed</statusDescription>

In the subsequent calls, when lease is already active the following information is shown:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
		<statusDescription>Lease license is already active</statusDescription>


Element Description
Lease License Synchronization Information
startTime License lease job synchronization start time (lease resume time in case of resume lease).
endTime License lease job synchronization end time.
statusCode Click to view the list of lease job synchronization error and result codes
statusDescription Description of the status code.
License Addition Information
featureName Name of the feature.
featureVersion Version associated with the feature.
eid Entitlement ID (EID) used to identify entitlements.
statusCode Status of the license addition job. A list of the status codes is provided here.
statusDescription Description of the status code.

To troubleshoot trace issues while fetching lease, refer the following possible error codes and description.

Error/Status Code Description
16001 Trying to add standalone license in network mode.
16004 Invalid input in web service request.
16009 Invalid value in XML tag.
16010 No more features available on license server.