

LS_STATUS_CODE VLScgDecodeLicenseRevocationTicketExt
                                         char *license_revocation_ticket_buffer_old,
 					  int license_revocation_ticket_buffer_old_size,
 					  unsigned char *revocation_ticket_buffer
					  unsigned long revocation_ticket_buffer_size,
 					  char *secret_key,
 					  int secret_key_length,
				          VLSrevocationTicketInfoT *license_revocation_ticket_old,
					  PVRT_REVOKE_TICKET_INFO revocation_ticket,
					  unsigned long *pulRevocation_ticket_size,
 					  unsigned long *unused);




An IN parameter. A buffer that holds the string data returned by VLSrevokeLicense.

NOTE   From Sentinel RMS SDK 9.1 onwards, this argument cannot be used for decoding old revocation tickets. Developers should not use this parameter for new implementations.

license_revocation_ticket_buffer_old_size An IN parameter. A buffer that defines the size of the ticket returned by the VLSrevokeLicense.

NOTE   From Sentinel RMS SDK 9.1 onwards, this argument cannot be used for decoding old revocation tickets. Developers should not use this parameter for new implementations.


An IN parameter. A buffer that holds the string data returned by the VLSrevokeByPermissionTicket API function. In response, the structure PVRT_REVOKE_TICKET_INFO is filled and returned.

Specify NULL, if using the license_revocation_ticket_buffer_old described above.


An IN parameter. Refers to the first secret specified in the license code. It is used by the License Manager for generating the encrypted license revocation ticket. If there is no secret specified (when challenge-response mechanism is not used), specify secret_key as NULL or set secret_key_length to zero.

secret_key_length An IN parameter. The length of the secret key.
license_revocation_ticket_old An OUT parameter. The VLSrevocationTicketInfoT structure.
revocation_ticket An OUT parameter. The VRT_REVOKE_TICKET_INFO structure.
pulRevocation_ticket_size An OUT parameter. A buffer that defines the size of the revocation ticket. If the VRT_REVOKE_TICKET_INFO structure is passed as NULL, then it will return the length in the pulRevocation_ticket_size parameter.
unused Reserved for future use.


Decodes all types of revocation tickets generated, which are:

>The API revocation tickets (which can also be decoded using VLScgDecodeLicense).

>The network revocation tickets generated using the workflow introduced in the v8.4.1.

>Revocation tickets generated by VLSrevokeByPermissionTicketExt API (introduced in v8.5.3)


The status code VLScg_SUCCESS is returned if successful. Refer to the error codes given in License Generation and Revocation Error Codes .