SCP Redistributables

While delivering the licensed application to customers, ship the SCP files as part of your application package. You also need to provide the relevant information to your customers. For example,

>Provide guidance to your customers for the process of generating the Registration Token. The registration token can be generated using the Sentinel EMS Customer Portal. Refer to Sentinel EMS Customer Portal Guide for details on generating a registration token.

This operation can only be performed by a Contact Administrator, so you must first add a contact of Administrator type while creating an entitlement in Sentinel EMS.

>The SCP configuration file should be placed in the same directory as the licensed application. Alternatively, you can use RMS Unified APIs to configure SCP.


The SCP_CONFIG_FILEPATH_[vendor_alias] environment variable (if defined) has higher precedence than the application directory. The environment variable to pick the configuration file should be set under the system variables for the SCP to run successfully.

>Be aware that SCP service installation is not required for using licenses hosted on RMS Cloud License Manager (LM) .