Customizing Applications Using Commuter API Calls

As a developer, you can provide extra convenience to your customers, by including the Sentinel RMS commuter API calls in your application.

>Include commuter authorization check-out/check-in commands on the menu of your application.

>Provide your own, customized, or standalone utility for handling commuter license authorizations.

You can use the following API calls in your application

API Description

It returns commuter license information.

VLSgetAndInstallCommuterCode It obtains the commuter license authorization from a License Manager and issues it to a client.
VLSuninstallAndReturnCommuterCode It removes the commuter license authorization from a client and release the license token on the License Manager.

To know more about the API calls, Refer to the Sentinel RMS API Reference Guide.


There are two ways to check out a commuter license:

>Direct checkout

>Remote checkout