Format XML Tags

When using the GetInfo and GetSessionInfo functions, you use XML tags in the Format field to specify the data that should be retrieved by the function.

These Format XML tags are also used by the function to label the retrieved information.

The Format XML tags that you specify (and their arrangement) in the Format field determine both which information is retrieved by the function and the manner in which the retrieved information is presented. For example, if you request a list of all the protection keys and all of the Features in the licenses in the scope, the tags can be arranged to return either of the following:

>separate lists of all the Features and all the protection keys in the scope.

>a list of all the Features in each protection key in the scope.

The topics that follow describe the XML elements that are available for this purpose.

> For GetSessionInfo, the information returned relates to the current session.

> For GetInfo, the information returned relates to the source specified by the scope used to call the function.

You can also choose from predefined templates and aliases to retrieve certain sets of information.

Refer to Using XML Tags to Define Format for additional information about creating Format templates using XML tags.

The following types of XML tags are described below:

>Common XML tags

>Predefined Format templates and Aliases

Common XML Tags

The tables that follow describes the XML tags that are common to most types of information that are returned by the functions.







Predefined Format Templates and Aliases

Predefined Format templates are special Format XML that you can specify in the format parameter to simplify the retrieval of commonly-used blocks of information.

Predefine Aliases are special aliases that you can specify in the format parameter directly in the call to the GetInfo and GetSessionInfo functions to simplify the retrieval of this information.

For example: To request the information for the connected Sentinel HL key, you could use one of the following:

> Predefined Format XML: keyinfo

<haspformat format="keyinfo"/>

> Predefined alias: HASP_KEYINFO

char *info = 0; status = hasp_get_sessioninfo(handle, HASP_KEYINFO, &info);

The table that follows describes the predefined Format XML templates and predefined aliases that are available. (Click each Format XML template or Alias for more information.)

Predefined Format XML Templates

Predefined Aliases




Requests the information required to process updates (C2V).

NOTE   In Sentinel LDK Toolbox, this Format Template is referred to as “Create C2V”.




Requests information for the connected Sentinel HL key in the current session (only applicable for the GetSessionInfo function).



Requests information on the current login session (only applicable for the GetSessionInfo function).



Requests the fingerprint of a computer that is to receive a locked protection key.



Retrieves information about the recipient (destination) computer for the Transfer function.

Equivalent XML definition:

<haspformat root="location">
      <attribute name="id"/>
      <attribute name="time"/>
      <element name="hostname"/>
      <element name="version"/>
      <element name="host_fingerprint"/>

Related Topics

About XML Tags

Scope Input XML Tags

XML Usage Samples