Defining .NET Assembly Protection Details

You define protection details for .NET assemblies in the Protection Details screen.

To define the Protection Details for .NET assemblies:

1.In the Project pane, click the name of a .NET executable or DLL. The Protection Details screen is displayed in the Display pane (as described below).

2.Specify your required global .NET protection settings for the .NET assembly.

3.In the Methods available for protection list, select the check box for the class constructors and methods you want to protect.

4.If required, apply specific Method properties to highlighted methods.

5.If required, specify Advanced protection parameters

6.Click the Protect icon in the toolbar (or the Protect button) to apply all your settings and protect the selected program.

Global .NET protection settings

Input file

The directory in which the .NET assembly you are protecting is located. By default, the directory from which you added the program to Sentinel LDK Envelope.

Output file

Specify the directory in which the protected .NET assembly will be saved. You can specify a default directory in the Sentinel LDK Envelope Settings dialog box.

Protection Key Version

Specify the version of Sentinel protection key to be used for protection. Default: Sentinel

Protection Key Search Mode

Specify the access mode for the Sentinel protection key. Determines which search mode the protected program will use to search for the required Sentinel protection key.

NOTE   If you have selected the Enable Custom Protection Key Login Scope check box in the Advanced Protection Details dialog box, this field is disabled.

Feature ID

Select a Feature ID for the entire .NET assembly you are protecting. You can select the Feature by its name in the Name field. At run-time, the protected program searches for the assigned Feature ID in the Sentinel protection key.

NOTE   If your application will be distributed with Sentinel HL Basic keys, you can use only the default Feature (Feature ID 0) to protect your program.


(Sentinel LDK-EMS only) The unique name of the Feature, as defined in the Sentinel LDK-EMS catalog.

NOTE    The Feature name field is only displayed when you are connected to the Sentinel LDK-EMS Server.

General Tab

The General tab is displayed by default. Using this page, you can selected specific class constructors or methods to protect, and assign method properties to specific class constructors or methods.

Advanced Tab

Click the Advanced tab to display the Advanced Protection Details information for the selected .NET assembly. When advanced protection details are modified, an icon is displayed to the left of the tab name.

AppOnChip Tab

Click the AppOnChip tab to select functions to be protected using the AppOnChip functionality.

.NET Directories Tab

Click the .NET Directories tab to override the list of directories that Sentinel LDK Envelope searches by default for .NET assemblies.

Protection Settings Tab

Click the Protection Settings tab to display the protection settings information.

Windows Shell Settings Tab

Click the Windows Shell Settings tab to display the .NET Protection Details for Windows Shell for the selected .NET assembly. This tab is only available if the Protection type for the .NET assembly includes Windows shell.

Related Topics

Defining .NET Assembly Protection Details

.NET Protection Settings

Advanced Protection Details

.NET Considerations

.NET Default Protection Settings Screen

.NET Protection Details for Windows Shell