Provisioning Requests

>Prerequisites for Viewing and Managing Provisioning Requests

>Request Status

>Actions for Requests

Prerequisites for Viewing and Managing Provisioning Requests

A role that includes Entitlement and/or Activation Management permissions. At minimum, you need:

>View permission to view a provisioning request.

>Edit permission to manage a provisioning request.

For details, see Roles.

Request Status

The Status of a provisioning request can be one of the following:

Status Description

Request Sent

Indicates that a provisioning request was sent to the provisioning endpoint.

Request Queued

Indicates that a provisioning request was initiated and is in the queue.

In Progress

Indicates that the provisioning request is currently being handled by the provisioning system.


Indicates that the provisioning request was successfully processed by the provisioning system.

Dispatch Failed

Indicates that the provisioning request could not be sent.


Indicates that the provisioning request could not be processed by the provisioning system. This can occur for many reasons, such as a missing or inaccurate provisioning plan or method, validation issues, or the provisioning endpoint might be unavailable.

Provisioning Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are available on the Provisioning Requests page.

Attribute Description
Status Status of the provisioning request, as described in Request Status.
Product Name of the product associated with the request.
Product ID

Numeric identifier for the product. This refers to the product associated with the request.


Entitlement ID. A unique identifier for an entitlement.


An auto-generated GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that is assigned to activations, for example: q5251rst-69q6-49qz-qrs5-45q225r9375s

Activated Quantity

Number of provisions consumed in the activation. For example, this might be the number of accounts or services that were provisioned.


Comments related to the provisioning request.


Plan associated with the request. A plan includes a set of static and/or dynamic expressions that are used by the provisioning endpoint to provision the activated products. You create plans in Sentinel EMS.

For details on creating a plan, see Provisioning Plans.

For details on managing the associated plan, see Managing Provisioning Associations.


Method associated with the request. A method specifies the data required to send a provisioning request.

For details on creating a method, see Provisioning Methods.

For details on managing the associated method, see Managing Provisioning Associations.

Status Update Date The date and time that the request status was last updated.

Actions for Requests

The following table lists the actions available for provisioning requests.

Action Description
Update Status

You can update the status of a request to:

>In Progress: The request was initiated in Sentinel EMS and is in progress.

>Completed: The request is successfully executed.

>Failed: The request failed.

Minimum role permissions to update the status of a request:

> View and Edit permissions for entitlements.