Sentinel Vendor Code

You are assigned a Batch Code that represent your company's unique Vendor Code.

NOTE   Your Batch Code is equivalent to the namespace in Sentinel EMS.

Click Sentinel Vendor Code in the Project pane to display the Sentinel Vendor Code screen. The Vendor Code specified in this screen is included with the settings for the project. After the program is protected, it is linked to Sentinel protection keys that are related to the corresponding Batch Code. The protected program only execute if a protection key for the relevant Batch Code is present.

The Sentinel Vendor Code input fields are:

Use Demo Vendor Code

This is the default Sentinel Vendor Code setting. Ensure that the Sentinel protection key can use the DEMOMA Batch Code.

Use Vendor Code from File

To specify a Vendor Code for the associated Sentinel protection key, browse to the file whose name contains the related Sentinel Batch Codes. Vendor Codes are stored in the VendorCodes directory.

Use Vendor Code from Database

(Sentinel LDK-EMS only) To specify a Vendor Code stored in the Server for the associated Sentinel protection key, select the appropriate code from the list. (If you are not currently connected to the Sentinel LDK-EMS Server, you can click Toggle connection with the Server to connect now.)

NOTE   You must use this option to specify a Vendor Code if you want to work in online mode.

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Protection Parameters

Project Pane

Key Concept: Project

Working with Projects