getInfo Supported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode

Interface Information

>This API belongs to SentinelLicensing.dll.

>The corresponding library is Sentinel RMS licensing library.


Provides comprehensive information related to the feature, license, client, fingerprint, locking code, recipient, licensing library, application context, License Manager (server), cumulative trial information, License Manager pool, and lease job synchronization, last status, status, and usage.

NOTE   From RMS v9.5 onwards, query version 1.1 has been introduced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to license version 20 and above. The SNTL_QUERY_XXXX_XXXX_LATEST macro is introduced to extract the latest version for any of the query types. Refer to licensing.h (included with your Sentinel RMS installation) for the exact macro name.


String getInfo (String scope, String query)

Version Compatibility

Prior to Sentinel RMS v9.5, you had to manually enter the query version at the time of compiling the application. For example, SNTL_QUERY_FEATURE_INFO_VERSION(v); where 'v' represents the query version for the installed SDK.

From Sentinel RMS v9.5 onwards, we have introduced macros for automating this task. When the application is compiled, it automatically takes the latest query version from the header file that is used. For example, for the license info query, when you compile your application using the SNTL_QUERY_LICENSE_INFO_LATEST macro, the latest query version is automatically entered by the application.


Parameter Description
scope [in] Search parameters for the query.
query [in]

Type of query.

See the XML Templates below for more details about the query, scope, and output templates.

XML Templates

Follow the XML template links below to learn more about the corresponding query, scope, and output.

Query Types Versions* Description
appContextInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0 The information about the various attributes set in an application context.
clientInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0, 1.1 The information about a client using a given license. Query version 1.1 has been introduced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to RMS v9.5 and license version 20 (or above).
featureCumulativeTrialInfoSupported in On-premises mode 1.0 The cumulative information about the trial period of trial licenses for the given feature.
featureInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0, 1.1 The information about the given feature obtained from the feature node. Query version 1.1 has been introduced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to RMS v9.5 and license version 20 (or above).
licenseInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0, 1.1 The information about the given license from the license node. Query version 1.1 has been introduced to support license hard limit up to 4,294,967,294. This is applicable to RMS v9.5 and license version 20 (or above).
fingerprintInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode

1.0, 1.1


The available system fingerprint information of the supported locking criteria. The fingerprint information can be:

>Hashed values - Hashed values are used for registering fingerprints in the Sentinel EMS Customer portal. To obtain hashed values, use the fingerprintInfo query version 1.0 or 1.1.

>Raw values - Raw values are used for generating locking codes as required in Sentinel RMS traditionally (see lockCodeInfo query). To generate raw values:

Use the latest version 1.1 of the fingerprintInfo query, introduced in v9.2.0.

Set the <rawValue> tag in the query as Yes.

libraryInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0 The information about the licensing library.
lockCodeInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0

Introduced in v9.2.0, the lockCodeInfo query allows generation of locking codes.

The locking code can be generated for:

>Specific machine - Specify the fingerprint XML of the target system under lockCodeInfo scope XML.

>Current system - If the fingerprint XML is not provided, the locking code is generated by fetching the fingerprints of the given system.

For details, see Case A and Case B in Locking Code Information.

Note that if multiple instances of a locking criteria are present on a system, the locking code is generated for the first instance only, without enumerating through other instances. For example, if a system has multiple Ethernet cards, locking code is generated for the value available at the first index of the fingerprintInfo output or system.

recipientInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0

The locking information of the recipient machine is obtained for use with the transfer API (the commute action). The recipient machine is the one to which a license that has been detached from a network pool on the License Manager host is temporarily made available.

serverInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0 The information about the License Manager.
serverPoolInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease mode 1.0 The information about a group of License Managers hosting the same license for high availability.
syncLicenseJobInfoSupported in Lease mode 1.0

This is applicable to Standalone Lease mode only.

Introduced in v9.2.0, the syncLicenseJobInfo query obtains information about current status of the lease job for standalone licenses.

Status Code Description

>Lease is successfully obtained, description about the added lease is shown.

>When lease is successfully obtained, in the subsequent calls description about active lease is shown.

-1 Sync license job is in progress. Run the API again to check the status until the sync job is completed.
1 Sync license job is in suspended state.
Any other code Refer to the lease job synchronization error and result codes table.
lastStatusInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0

This query is used to get information regarding last status message. This query is not included here as the last status message can be obtained from LicensingException class.

statusInfoSupported in On-premises modeSupported in Lease modeSupported in Connected (Cloud LM) mode 1.0

This query is used to get information regarding status message corresponding to the given status code. This query is not included here as the status message can be obtained from LicensingException class.

usageInfoSupported in On-premises mode 1.0 Provides the path where the completed license usage file and acknowledgment file is stored.


Requested information in XML format.

Exception Handling

If unsuccessful, throws LicensingException.