Getting Started with the Customer Portal

The customer portal is a web-based solution that offers an easy-to-use interface for license management. You can use the customer portal to activate your products and product suites. (A product suite is a combination of products that are sold together.) You can also view and edit your profile information using this portal.

Logging In

Sentinel EMS provides the following options to log in to the customer portal. You might see one or more of these options depending on the configuration.

>Entitlement ID: Log in using an entitlement ID (EID) that was sent to you by email. For details, see Login Using EID.

>Product Key ID: Log in using the product key ID (PKID) that was sent to you by email. For details, see Login Using PKID.

> User Credentials: Log in using the credentials (user ID or email address and password) that you received by email. For details, see Login Using User Credentials.

Login Using EID

To log in to the customer portal using an EID:

1.Enter the Sentinel EMS customer portal URL in the address bar of a web browser and press Enter. The login page appears.


>All the different login types (Entitlement ID, Product Key ID, and User Credentials) appear only if the customer portal is configured to display these login types.

>Update Licenses option is available on the login screen only for specific users. For more information, refer to Update Licenses.

2.In the EID box, enter the EID that you received by email.

3. Click Log In.

After logging in using EID, you can perform the following functions:

>View entitlement information

>View entitlement certificates

>Activate products

>Download product-related information

>View activations

>Revoke licenses

>View license certificates

Login Using PKID

To log in to the customer portal using the PKID:

1.Enter the Sentinel EMS customer portal URL in the address bar of a web browser and press Enter. The login page appears.


>All the different login types (Entitlement ID, Product Key ID, and User Credentials) appear only if the customer portal is configured to display these login types.

>Update Licenses option is available on the login screen only for specific users. For more information, refer to Update Licenses.

2.In the PKID box, enter the PKID (product key) that you received by email.

3. Click Log In.

After logging in using PKID, you can perform the following functions related to the product key:

>View product information

>View entitlement certificates

>Activate products

>Download product-related information

>View activations

>View license certificates

Login Using User Credentials

To log in to the customer portal using user ID or email address and password:

1.Enter the Sentinel EMS customer portal URL in the address bar of a web browser and press Enter. The login page appears:


>All the different login types (Entitlement ID, Product Key ID, and User Credentials) appear only if the customer portal is configured to display these login types.

>Update Licenses option is available on the login screen only for specific users. For more information, refer to Update Licenses.

2.Enter your credentials (user ID or email address and password).

3. Click Log In.

It is recommended that you change your password after you log in for the first time.

It is also recommended to select the Remember me option to stay logged in across sessions for quicker access.

After logging in using the vendor login, you can perform the following functions:

>View and change profile information

>Change password

>View entitlement information

>Entitlement search and advanced search

>View entitlement certificates

>Activate products

>Download product-related information

>View activations

>Revoke licenses

>View license certificates

Forgot Password?

You can reset your password using the Forgot Password? option available on the login page. This option is available only when you log in using your user credentials.

To reset your password:

1.On the login page, click Forgot Password?

2.On the screen that appears, enter the user ID or email address that was used during registration or received by email.

3. Click Submit. A secure link to reset the password will be sent to you through email.

NOTE   If you do not remember the user ID or email address you provided during registration, contact your software vendor for help in recovering your user ID or email address and password.

Change Password

After logging in to the customer portal using your user ID or email address and password, you can change your password.

To change your password:

1.Log in to the customer portal with your user ID or email address and password.

2.At the top-right corner of the page, click Change Password.

3.On the Change Password screen that appears, enter your current password in the Old Password field.

4.Enter your New password.

NOTE   Passwords are case sensitive and must meet the following criteria:

> 8 to 30 characters

>Must have at least one number (0-9)

>Must have at least one lowercase character (a-z)

>Must have at least one uppercase character (A-Z)

> Special characters supported: (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = , .)

5.Confirm your new password by typing it again in the Confirm Password field.

6.Click Change Password.

User Registration

The User Registration page may be displayed when you log in using an EID. This page appears based on whether user registration is mandatory, optional, or not required for your entitlements. If user registration is:

>Mandatory: You must provide registration details when logging on using the EID.

>Optional: You are prompted to provide the registration information but can choose to register later.

>Not Required: The user registration page does not appear.

To provide the registration information:

1.Log in using EID.

2.The User Registration page appears:

3.If you are already registered, click Log In to log in to the customer portal.


If you want to register later, click Register Later.


If you want to register now, enter information in the fields that appear on the User Registration page. The following table describes the fields:

Fields Descriptions
Email Address Email address. This is the email address used as part of the credentials to log in to the customer portal.
Confirm Email Address Confirmation of the above email address.

Password that you use to log in to the customer portal. Passwords are case sensitive and must meet the following criteria:

> 8 to 30 characters

>Must have at least one number (0-9)

>Must have at least one lowercase character (a-z)

>Must have at least one uppercase character (A-Z)

>Special characters supported: (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = , .)

Confirm Password Confirmation of the above password.
First Name First name.
Last Name Last name. This is an optional field.

4.Click Save.

Update Profile Information

You can update your profile information when you log in to the customer portal using your email address and password.

To update your profile information:

1.Log in to the customer portal with your email address and password.

2.At the top-right corner of the page, click My Profile.

3.On the Update Profile screen that appears, enter your details.

The following table lists the profile detail fields and their descriptions:

Fields Descriptions Required/Optional
Email Address Displays your email address. This is the email address used as part of the credentials to log in to the customer portal. Required
Email Language

Specifies your default email language for the customer portal. All emails and notifications are sent to you in this language.

You can select a language from the available languages to specify a language other than English. The list of available languages displayed depends on the options provided by your software vendor.

First Name Specifies your first name. Required
Last Name Specifies your first name. Optional
Additional Attributes  
Country Specifies your country. Optional

Address Line 1

Specifies your address details. Optional
Address Line 2 Specifies additional address details. Optional
City Specifies your city. Optional
State/Province Specifies your state or province. Optional
Zip/Postal Code Specifies your ZIP or postal code. Optional
Phone Specifies your telephone number. Optional
Fax Specifies your fax number. Optional
Company Name Specifies your company name. Optional
Company Website Specifies the URL of your company website. Optional

NOTE   More information may be sought for your profile using customized fields that might be displayed on your screen in addition to the fields listed above.

4.Click Save.